Academic writing is more than sharing knowledge and research results, it is about personal growth, collaboration and orientation in a complex world. I am committed to #openaccess and, whenever possible, make my publications available through this website and the zenodo-repository.
Here I present some of my most recent publications. For a complete bibliography, please consult the >> full list of publications. For my public outreach activities (interviews, short articles, conferences) consult my >> twitter feed.

Ayoub, Phillip M. and Kristina Stoeckl (2024). The Global Fight Against LGBTI Rights. How Transnational Conservative Networks target Sexual and Gender Minorities. New York: New York University Press.

Stoeckl, Kristina and Dmitry Uzlaner (2022). The Moralist International. Russia in the Global Culture Wars. New York: Fordham University Press.

Ayoub, Phillip and Kristina Stoeckl (2024). Why Autocrats Target LGBTIQ Rights. Journal of Democracy, vol. 35, issue 1, 59-73. #OPENACCESS

Stoeckl, Kristina (2023). Traditional Values, Family, Homeschooling: The role of Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church in transnational moral conservative networks and their efforts at reshaping human rights. International Journal of Constitutional Law, vol. 21, issue 1, 224–242.

Ayoub, Phillip and Kristina Stoeckl (2023). The double-helix entanglements of transnational advocacy: Moral conservative resistance to LGBTI rights. Review of International Studies. Published online 2023: 1-23. #OPENACCESS

Stoeckl, Kristina (2024). “Church and State versus Church and People: the two social orders of the Russian Orthodox Church”, in: Religion and Secular Modernity in Russian Christianity, Judaism, and Atheism, ed. by Ana Siljak. Cornell University Press, pp. 32-44.

Stoeckl, Kristina (2022). Russia’s Spiritual Security Doctrine as a Challenge to European Comprehensive Security Approaches. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 20 (4), 37-44.

Stoeckl, Kristina (2020). Russian Orthodoxy and Secularism. Monographic number of Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Politics 1/2, 75 pages.
Mourão Permoser, Julia; Stoeckl, Kristina (2021): Reframing human rights: the global network of moral conservative homeschooling activists. Global Networks. A Journal of Transnational Affairs 21/4, 681-702. DOI: 10.1111/glob.12299

Stoeckl, Kristina (2020): The rise of the Russian Christian Right: the case of the World Congress of Families. Religion, State and Society, 48/4, 222-238. DOI: 10.1080/09637494.2020.1796172